Jacqueline Bhabha
Jacqueline talks about her involvement with the detention of children on Guantanamo, children to deported parents and reflecting on recent developments speaks of ho young child cannot comprehend and are separated from their parent upon migration. Jacqueline tells thus that current policies generate nightmares, cause depression. Jaqueline brings out the problematic issue of age determination: the migrant claim to be minor – deserves the benefit of the doubt. She tells us that child migration – always been and always will be with us. The number has increased in 24% (since 1990) and now there are 31 million children. 2 out of 5 in Africa, And America, 1 out of 5 in Europe. Reflecting on emerging issues she reflects that there is an increasing forced return of children that have migrated in search of safety, especially youth. Since access to Europe has become complex, migrants are getting blocked and in Libya there are over 420 detention centers, a proliferation of criminal violence, human trafficking etc. Refugees are now being returned to Nigeria and other countries – in many cases children receive no legal advice and the option given them is either detention or third country. She concluded that what we see is a new reality in which access to legal aid is denied. Children are not even reaching to legal aid that might ensure that they receive protection or that their best interest is being considered. Positive development are that we, as advocates […] the United Nations: for the first time the international community has accepted global migration flows as an international issue. Now we are involved in the process – of global discussion, and have managed to come up with two global compacts:
The question of access to migration is relevant to children. Children should have greater access to a legal migration. With regard to skill training visa – unless they are wealth children would not be given an opportunity. These are critical opportunities to young children. A current suggestions: to redesign Development contracts so that they will include an option to travel – for education cause. In Israel, there are enormous opportunities for training…
In addition, other aims include: the global connotations – to establish benchmarks – to check what states are doing, how budgets are allocated. To establish basic principles of actions: drawing on international law – that set up – no discrimination, child first, and migrant second, health care, these principles – provide some sort of leverage, talk about exclusion. To conclude it is important: to document what is happening with respect to human rights, access to social economic rights […] to be monitoring this, to put pressure on our governments in this harsh situation of backlash.
מושב רביעי: השפעות המדיניות בישראל על ילדים, נוער ומשפחות, התנהלות הארגונים והקהילה מול גופי ממסד - פרספקטיבת והמלצות הארגונים
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